Instructional start date - May 27th, News, Lil' Wranglers Instructional, 2017 (Wyoming Minor Ball Association - Home of the Wrangler & Lady Wrangler's)

This Team is part of the 2017 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 18, 2017 | Mandi Pearson | 898 views
Instructional start date - May 27th
With the weather warming up, Baseball season is just around the corner. The start date for instructional is Saturday, May 27th.

Corey Gruben is beginning to put together teams so if you have any requests with who you would like your player to be on a team with, please email her and she will do her best to match everyone.

Thank you to all who have already said that they are able to help with the teams, however, with over 125 players registered for instructional this year, we need more volunteers in order for a successful season.

It works best if we have 2-3 volunteers per team so the responsibility can be split and does not fall with just one person.
So if you, your spouse, a grandparent, aunt, uncle, older sibling etc. can help, please let Corey Gruben know as soon as possible!

Her contact is [email protected]

Many Thanks!