Registration now OPEN for Fall Tryouts for the 2025 Season
Fall tryouts will be held in September for Boys OBA 9U, 11U, 13U, 15U, 16U and 18U teams.
Along with Girls PWSA 11U, 13U, 15U, 17U and 19U teams.
Reminder, that players trying out from other OBA and PWSA Associations need to follow OBA and PWSA rules and provide a Requests to Tryout form from your former association.
Full registration for all Boys SOBA, House League and Girls ORSA and Local League will open mid September.
Stay tuned for Coaches Selections and Tryout Dates to be announced soon.
To Register:
ALL players, including out of centre players must register before being able to try out. Unfortunately, players who are not registered will not be permitted to participate in the tryout, due to insurance reasons (no exceptions).
You do not need to pay in order to tryout for a team, but you DO need to register. When you see "Click here to pay online" and you do not wish to pay at this time, you may close the tab. You will still get an email that your form has been submitted, and coaches will receive confirmation of the players eligibility to tryout for the 2025 season.
Please contact us if you have any questions.