Jan 21, 2020 | Lyndsey King | 1479 views
2020 Coach Selections
2020 Coaches Selections
**Head coaches will be looking for Assistant Coaches. Assistant Coach applicants have been forwarded on to the coaches above.
Rookie - Dustin Pearson/ Steve Helps
Mosquito- Jason Helps
Peewee - Jason Reidhead
Bantam - Cam Graham
Midget -Donald Hudson
Rookie River - Jeremiah Jarvis
Mosquito SOBA - Shane MacDonald
Mosquito River 1 - Joe Burlingham
Mosquito River 2 - Eric Phillion
Peewee SOBA- Cam Major
Peewee River - Steve Welch
Girls PWSA
Squirt- Rob Kardas
Pewee 06 -Matt Helps
Peewee 07 - Jodie Poland
Bantam- Richard Helps
Midget- Chad Cox
Local League
Mite 1 - Meg Baron
Mite 2- Tyler Wagner
Squirt- Jolene McCallum
Peewee - open
Bantam- Shane Tayler
Midget- open
**Head coaches will be looking for Assistant Coaches. Assistant Coach applicants have been forwarded on to the coaches above.
**Please make sure coaching courses that are required are completed by the time your season commences.
Thanks to all our applicants. We look forward to a great season.