Peewee OBA
Coach - Jason Reidhead
Wednesday Sept. 11th - 5:30pm Canton Park
Friday Sept. 13th - 5:30 Canton Park
Sunday Sept. 15th - 6pm Canton Park
If needed more date will be announced.
Bantam Minor OBA
Coach- Jason Helps
Saturday Sept. 21 - 12pm Canton Park
Sunday Sept. 22 - 12pm Canton Park
***more dates to follow
Bantam Major OBA
Coach Cam Graham
Tuesday Sept 17 - 5:40 Canton Park
Sunday Sept 22 - 10am Canton Park
Tuesday Sept 24 - 5:30 Canton Park
Prior to attending tryouts all players must register before at:
Please watch for any cancellations due to weather through Facebook or our website.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact
Matt Helps - President Wyoming Wranglers at [email protected]